Community Resources

Tarrant Cares One Resource, Countless Solutions

Children and Families, Community Corrections, Domestic, Sexual and Other Violence, Ex-Offender Reentry Resources, Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Mental/Behavioral Health, Seniors, Adults with Disabilities, Veterans, & Service Members and Their Families, Prenatal to Age 5


211 Texas Connecting People and Services

 2-1-1 Texas is a free, anonymous social service hotline available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year anywhere in Texas.


Resource Connection of Tarrant County Connecting People With Services

It promotes service coordination by providing a Community Resource Coordination Group for Adults (CRCGA) that facilitates customers’ access to various services.  In addition, the Resource Connection hosts agency executive meetings and a resource fair for campus agencies to promote networking and agency cooperation.


United Way of Tarrant County  United We Fight For Our Community

United Way is fighting to advance the education, financial stability and health of every person, in every community throughout Tarrant County




To enable youth with the skills to become next generation leaders

who can compete on a global platform!



serving the community since 2010