Dr. Charmaine Marie, Ed.D., The Real L.O.V.E. Coach, REALTOR®, is the Founder and CEO and of Real L.O.V.E.

Real L.O.V.E. (Leadership, Obedience, Victory, & Excellence) was founded in 2010.  Dr. Charmaine Marie, Ed.D, established this organization due to her passionate desire to instill a ‘Yes You Can’ attitude into youth from diverse backgrounds and cultures, and introduce them to opportunities they might have never experienced coming from underserved populations in Dallas, Fort Worth, Texas, and Omaha, Nebraska.  Her quest is to teach and mentor them on how to live life with a purpose, set goals, make decisions that lead to successful outcomes, and to expose them to empowering enrichment activities outside their community. 

Dr. Charmaine Marie has always had a passion for youth and will go to great lengths to see them achieve their dreams. She truly believes youth have a voice that needs to be heard and adults need to understand their language.  Her main goal is to help them to be successful and happy in life. She says, “Success takes work and attitude is everything.  A smile will brighten the evilest person’s day, a kind word will boost someone’s confidence, and a hug will deliver a hurting heart.  It’s never about us; it’s always about the next person.” Furthermore, when it comes to youth, Dr. Charmaine Marie knows that creating a positive environment is crucial.

Dr. Charmaine Marie is the Chief Executive Officer of Real (L.O.V.E.) Leadership Obedience Victory, and Excellence, where she administers a series of programs called Success At Its Best: a Life Skills Program, a Mentoring Program, and an Abstinence Program; Saving The Best For Last, for youth. Additionally, Dr. Charmaine Marie is an author, screenwriter, public speaker, and poet. Her passion is helping youth to be successful in this world.

Dr. Charmaine Marie is a best-selling author from Omaha, Nebraska, and currently resides in Crowley, TX. She is a Machinist Mate in the World's Greatest Navy Reserve. She is also a Master Certified Professional Life Coach, has an Associate of Arts in Communications, a Bachelor of Science in Business Communications, a Master of Science in Psychology, and a Doctorate Degree in Educational Leadership, with a specialty in Curriculum and Instruction.

Check out my interview with Voyage Dallas by clicking below!

Charmaine Marie's Interview With Voyage Dallas


Tyeisha M. Tucker is the Financial Officer for Real L.O.V.E.

Tyeisha is also a youth advocate, instructor, and mentor. She found her love for children at a young age where she began babysitting, volunteering in children's church, and later working at daycares. Inspired by her daughter and her daughter’s friends, she created Growing Goddess where she gets girls ages 4 - 12 together to celebrate each other monthly! Tyeisha is an Omaha, Nebraska native, grew up in Orlando, Florida, and currently resides in Fort Worth, Texas. Her background is in accounting and she has an Associate of Arts with a concentration in Business Fundamentals.



Malaika Robbins is the Program Director for Real L.O.V.E.

Malaika is also an instructor and mentor. She was born in Omaha, Nebraska, and raised in  Orlando, Florida. She has always had a passion for working with youth and giving insight on issues that might be hard for teens to discuss. Malaika is the CEO and Founder of GoShopMalaikaRobbins.com where she sells a plethora of items for women to include shoes, handbags, clothing for all sizes, and passport books. She is also the CEO and Founder of Women Like Us, an organization geared toward helping to enforce self-esteem and the idea that all women are created beautifully.





To enable youth with the skills to become next generation leaders

who can compete on a global platform!



serving the community since 2010